Is there anything I need to check before playing PIU?

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Practically, when we feel like playing PIU, we can just reach the machine, put in some credits, and start playing any song or level you like. There is nothing wrong with that but if we want to talk about efficient training and ensure that you are in a proper condition before playing PIU, there are things you need to know and need to keep it as a practice.

Basically, you can think of yourself as an athletic. In fact, you are going to perform some tough workout unless you only intend to play some nice and relaxing songs with easy difficulty.

This is why, I always consider PIU as a sport instead of only as a game. Especially when I realize I had put down lots of weight after two years of PIU training. I used to wear clothes that are in L size which was quite suit to my size. But now I can wear clothes in S size or M size.

So, keep in mind that you are going to perform some exercise or workout, and try to practice what people usually do before they are going for their workout. Below are some general things you can practice to ensure that your workout could go on smoothly and nicely, as well as making your training more efficient.

1. Make sure you had your meal about 1 to 2 hours ago, and NOT 10-20 minutes ago. Do not attempt exercise if you still feeling full because this might cause serious internal problem to your stomach and digestion system. You might or might not notice it when you workout while your stomach is in the process of digesting lots of food, but it might causes unwanted problem in your stomach for the long run. It's not worth risking your health for the sake of playing PIU faster isn't it? But, you don't need to wait until your stomach is totally empty because that's result in you feeling hungry and don't have any energy for PIU.

2. Make sure your are in a fine condition for both physically and mentally. This is usually quite basic and without needing anyone to tell you this, but I still need to emphasize on this because sometimes people think that even thought they are feeling something not right, but it's not that serious so it should be fine. However, being fine means you are totally appropriate to perform tough workout and it's not causing you any problem at all. Make sure your breathing is smooth, no pain or anything around your throats; Make sure you don't feel dizzy or nausea because performing any exercise can cause such symptoms really bad (personally experienced on this one); Check and ensure that you have no external injuries especially around your leg and hand. Do not think that any sort of injury or sickness is fine until it get worst.

3. Make sure you perform warm up before you begin your actual training. Start with some simple stretching exercise, or begin with simple songs that allow you to slowly awake your body muscle and cell for at least 5 to 10 minutes. This would help to give proper signal to your body to react slowly and give you more energy as you goes on, so that you could go on training for longer period of time. Training without proper warm up can make you worn out really soon because you did not give your body a proper preparation and signal for exercise. For more information,in the importance of warm up, you can refer to "The Importance of Doing Warm Up Exercises before Working Out" By FitDay Website.

4. It’s not always necessary but sometimes you may want to check on the condition of the pads and the bar to see if they are functioning properly. Especially the bar, if it is loose or shaking a lot, give it a fix because you don’t want accident to happen when you are playing while holding bar. If you found anything not right, do contact the staff immediately to give a fix before continue with training.

5. Playing/Training PIU with a hungry or starving stomach will greatly lower your performance. Even though playing/training when you just taken meal is dangerous, playing with empty stomach not going to make you get any better. Make sure you had proper meal because food will became the source of energy before you proceed with playing/training.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.