Destination S16 - A
Destination S16 is not an ordinary level compare to many S16 songs I played before. Single 16 nowadays don't really give me a tough time playing them, but Destination S16 is a level that make me think twice before playing it, because I had numerous experience getting really exhausted in the middle of playing it and couldn't hold up until the end of the song.This song is like: Drill, drill, drill.... twist, stair, twist, stair, TWIST!, Run, Run, Twist. Rest.............. Run, Twist, Twist.... Jump Jump Jump, triple, End. I'm exhaled heavily during the resting part already, and I still need to push myself really hard to complete the whole song.
I don't really play this song often because I know it's really difficulty and breath killing. For my previous plays, I usually ended up with misses around 30+. I had 13 misses for this one, though the crappy 50+ great shows how unstable am I when playing this. I would recommend this to those who want to improve twist, run, and drill in one song, but it's gotta take me a little while before I seriously take this into my training list.