About BadKitty

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Hello There =) I am a Pump-It-Up (PIU) player from Malaysia. I'm also known as one of the pumpers just like what they call here.

I started PIU around July 2012. It was the Fiesta 2010 version and I was totally new to dancing machine, as in, I never touch DDR or any other machine that use leg to play. So it was totally new to me. And I still remember I spent almost a month to take up the courage to put in some tokens into this machine to start playing. That was the time around evening when the arcade center has very few people. After started playing for two songs, there are few people gathered to watch me play because PIU was a new thing in that arcade center as they import this machine about May or June 2012.

I still remember the first time I play. I need to read the screen carefully to know that the blue step is to select songs at left & right, and yellow step is pick and start playing a song. When starting my first song, I still couldn't decide whether I should hold bar or not. Holding bar was very weird for me because of the gesture of holding something on my back with both of my hand. Stepping on the blue step was fine but reaching a little further to step on the red step was weird. But if I play without bar, I felt like I'm losing my balance.

One round of the game play was RM2 for 3 songs. But that time I only manage to play 2 songs because I'm either died at second song or I couldn't get A for my first song. And those were just level 3 or 4 single songs. After spending RM10, which is around 8 songs only, I was breathing heavily like I ran for big lap because I don't know how to step properly so I wasted a lot of energy stepping around. And that time, this machine in the arcade center had a really bad dancing pad that require people to step really hard in order for the pad to respond.

Few months later, I somehow manage to play songs around level 9 or 10, which was quite difficult and not really stable. That's when I met someone quite good at playing PIU. And he suggest me to join Malaysia PIU Group. In which I hesitated for awhile because that sounds like a place where many top players gather. But after some time, I just join anyway and got added into the group.

Ever since then, I found a lot of tips and guide that I never knew before. I started to learn that there are many different skills in playing PIU like Twist, Drill, Run, Stairs, and etc, which I wouldn't know if I never join the group.

From those times onwards, I approach people whom I knew they are from PIU group, then I slowly see more great player and learn a lot from them in many ways. Not only that makes me feel like want to push much more further to be able to play highly difficult songs, from observing how people play and ask for guidance, I also learn many good ways to improve my skill and train better.

So here am I today, after such a long time, I'm able to play certain level 20 single and double songs. I'm feeling quite difficult to improve at such level because level 20 is not an easy level. Although I'm able to play some level 20 songs but there are still level 18 and 19 songs that are quite tough. So the beginning of this "Road to Fiesta" start from stabilizing on level 18 and 19. And hopefully I will be able to be more stabilize at level 20 and then achieve higher level.