Variation Skill Ups

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Last Updated: 25 October 2014

Variations are the type of notes type that we found common or not so common in many songs but we can't categorized them as twist, run, drill, triple or stair because the pattern is very different and there is no specific name we can label them. Variations note step could be easy or the other way round. Regardless, you still need to be good with them in order to accumulate combo and learn how to cope these variations with the specific skills.

As usual, the name below are named after my own understanding and there is no vote or coming from any official site naming. So my apologize if there is any confusion and consisting of terms that is difficult to understand.

Multi Directions Jumps

This happen when you play single mode and stepping on left red & right blue, then the next notes appear to be right red & left blue. In such occasion, you have to do a small jump to switch your left & right leg to different notes. Various songs such as Will-O'-The-Wisp S10 and No. 3 S16 required you to perform continuous jump at certain part. Single mode is usually not a great issue, double mode required you to jump between left and right, and the other way round, such as Ignis Fatuus D15. It's also the same when the two notes are appeared as both red, both blue, and both yellow (in double mode).

This type of jumps are usually nothing complicated as long as you have a clear idea of which red & right you need to step on. The next thing you need to watch out is to jump but do not jump too high. Focus on switching the steps instead of jumping high from one notes to another. The higher you jump, the more breath you consume and that's make you tired soon. So try to think of switching the steps by moving your body to where the notes are, switch your leg to the right and make less jump if you could.

Center Notes Runs

Center notes runs is the pattern where you need to deal with the notes in the middle of the pad when you are playing double mode. The keys involve in this pattern are the middle red & blue notes, as well as the two yellow notes. This pattern involve total number of six keys, and the variations could be complicated according to the stepchart. According to different song's stepchart, this pattern can be the same like twist but this one usually require you to run between left and right at the same time.

If you are playing with bar, you need to hold really tight on the bar and try to maintain your body in the middle, and then try not to make too much movement of your upper body to the left or right if the notes allow you to. Moving your upper body from left to right consumes lots of breath especially on those notes that required you to deal with left notes and then quickly to the right. Bear in mind that the more you move your upper body, the more breath and energy you are consuming, and this might turn out to be the major factor that you totally exhausted after that.

While if you are playing with no bar, this will be quite difficult because you don't have anything to support your body. Moving between left and right not only consume breath and energy, playing with no bar also make it easier to lose your balance. At such occasion, try to maintain a firm hold of your upper body with your waist, stay straight or slight bend down but not too much. As for your arms, placed both of them on the side and hold it tight, or hold your hand into a fist posture. Maintain a strong hold on your upper body allow you to avoid losing too much balance when you are moving around with your legs. Again, you need to bear in mind not to make too much movement for your upper body and make less movement with your leg if the notes allow in order to perform this variation properly, and not making it a major factor that worn you out.

The Split Notes

A splits, or split leap, is the movement where you open both your leg really wide. In PIU, split notes happen only in double mode. That's when the notes appear to be the far left red or blue key and the red or blue key in far right, you can only open your leg really wide to catch the notes, or ask someone help to step on either one side of the notes when it happen (which is really unpractical of course). This pattern is appear in several songs only but usually it's not that difficulty unless it is combined with other skills such as drill. The bad thing is, if you have a short leg, or not long enough, that's just too bad.

Another thing to bear in mind, never wear tight pants or jeans if you know you need to perform such pattern. Unless you want to risk opening a small hole at the bottom of your pants.