PIU Prime: Rank Mode

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Rank Mode is one of the great new feature of PIU Prime. It's a never-exist-before feature that allow you to compete around the world for a song and submit your score over the internet to determine how good you are.

To read more about Rank Mode in the official website, you can go to http://www.piugame.com. After selecting your desire country or language, go to the main menu to click on the menu item "PRIME", and then click on "Rank mode". I can't share the link here because the link would redirect you back to the main page to select your country or language.

In order to enable Rank Mode, you must use USB because it require your account to play in Rank Mode. When you plugin your USB, open the command window and look for the "RANK" item on the left side of "SPEED" item. Once you step on the yellow button, Rank Mode will be enabled. You can switch on and off Rank Mode anytime you want. You can play all songs in Rank Mode, or you can choose to play any round of song with Rank Mode. To switch back to Full Mode, just open the command window again, go to "RANK" item again and step on the yellow button.

The songs available in Rank Mode is orginal, K-Pop, and world music songs. When you switch on Rank Mode, you can't play other songs like remix, full song, music train, shortcut, or other category.

All the stepcharts are still the same, there is no changes in the stepchart. Just that all stepchart under level 13 will be hidden. So you can only compete on songs for level 13 and above. This applies to both single and double. And single performance and double performance stepchart will be hidden as well.

The hardest thing about Rank Mode is the three default setting below that you can't change:
  1. BGA On. You won't be able to find "BGA Off" in the "DISPLAY" item in the command window. So all songs will have BGA On.
  2. VJ. Super hard accuracy judgement. Much harder than HJ. You won't be able to see "JUDGE" item in the command window. Having this mode make it really hard to get gold S or SS. Not only the accuracy for perfect, great and good are affected, if your step is slightly off, you might get bad and miss even if you feel that you step correctly.
  3. Break ON. Now you are forced to play songs that you are confident that your HP bar won't drop to zero.
With VJ mode on, the songs that you used to getting FC might not able to get FC now, and the songs that you able to SS might make you further from getting SS. But it depends on how good your accuracy is while playing in VJ. If you used to play in HJ, it might be better for you.

As for the score after playing in Rank Mode, you would notice the score will be quite high because it's different than normal mode. I'm not sure how the score is being calculated. Let's say you play a song in Rank Mode but you are unable to get FC, you can still beat the same song high score that has FC in the machine. So playing in Rank Mode is a new way to beat high score too.

As for the best thing in Rank Mode, is to be able to bring your accuracy and steps to the next level through this Rank Mode challenge. You can't challenge difficult songs with break ON, but you can train your accuracy at the moment to get much better steps and score result.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.