Pump It Up PRIME 2015: Begin
Before looking at wall of texts, let's not get enough with this PIU Prime 2015 opening.Yup it's cool not matter how many time we re-watch the opening, despite we can just play it right now (if your place have one).
PIU Prime in Malaysia
Prime had been released in Malaysia since 14th December 2014. Many players from different area are invited to this event and we are proud to be there for this soft launch event where we able to witness the first ever PIU Prime being setup, installed, and loaded here in Malaysia. A great thanks for the two Andamiro Korean representatives (Sorry couldn't remember their name) to travel places to places to bring us this great joy, and of course thanks to the relevant arcade center or amusement center that put efforts into installing and maintaining this great gift.Now in Malaysia, not all arcade center has PIU Prime because there are only several places that had high demand and usually a group of people will be there to play. We are unsure if other area or states that have low demand will switch to Prime or not. We can only wait and see. At least, now people get to play PIU Prime in several locations, namely Berjaya Times Square, The Mines, Wangsa Walk Mall, and Seremban AEON Supermarket.
New Experience
Let's talk more about the insight of PIU Prime feature and gameplay. Apart of approximately 30 new and challenging songs included as Prime version, the biggest changes in Prime version, comparing with the past upgrade, is the online game play where we are finally able to make PIU online.Our song scores not only stored inside the machine, we are now connecting to the internet so our song score submission into Andamiro's world score database is now working! But well, that's what we've been hearing all this time. We need more time to observe and figure out how all these works because the arcade center complete setup the internet about one or two weeks ago, and the thumb drive usage only available few days ago.... So still a long way for us to experience by ourselves and find out more.
of course, there are lots more features and new stuff that I'm going to make some other posts to talk about it because there are too many to describe. But this definitely something that is different from the past upgrade like from Fiesta EX to Fiesta 2. Although I wasn't there to witness the upgrade but from my experience in Fiesta EX and Fiesta 2, there isn't too much differences, comparing with the upgrade from Fiesta 2 to Prime.
Still under Preparation
Despite having some new things now, there are definitely more things that Andamiro still working on it because this changes is really huge, and we shouldn't expect that they are launching PIU Prime means everything should be completed.If you visit http://www.piugame.com now, you can see a new interface with great design. That is perhaps the most completed one so far. Clicking on many of the links in the top menu will get a message stated "In preparation". Well, clear enough.
Here are something that we will be looking forward to. Some of them are existing things from Fiesta 2, but now all these are probably going to be quite different so it's not available in Prime at the moment. While many of the info is still consider as "rumors". You can read through but keep in mind that these are not an official list so you probably see something different when the official release are there.
1. Favorite - Favorite songs used to be stored in your own thumb drive. But now our data is online, so probably can set our favorite song in PIU main site.
2. Music Train - Same as above.
3. Song Ranking - The list that contain ranking of all songs in terms of high score around the world, popularity, and so on.
4. Item Shop - We will be able to purchase or unlock songs, stepchart, and item as we play and accumulate points so that we can use it in item shop later.
5. User Custom Step (UCS) - Probably some new features in StepLite? Definitely more songs can be included into UCS making from Prime.
6. Level/World Ranking - The list that shows level and ranking of all registered players around the world just like the previous one.
7. Mission Zone - Hopefully more exciting and challenging missions will be back.
8. Skill Up Zone - Same as above. We are happy to have some new experience in it, and we are definitely looking forward for Andamiro to release more features as time goes by. Let's wish Andamiro well and great work so all the hard efforts for PIU Prime 2015.