Level 15 Charts & Below that You Might Not Be Able to S on First Try

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Some of us may think that it's meaningless to play songs under level 15 other than playing to recall some good old memories and just for warm up.

Not everyone know that there are charts that are difficult, weird, or unique in their own way that people may not be able to S those charts on first try, even for those who can S level 20 and beyond. Or perhaps I could say, they are not meant to be S in the first place.

If you tried these songs before and know how the chart pattern are, suggest your friend to try it. Else, give it a try but be a little bit careful as you may get some surprises in the charts below.

1. Beethoven Virus D8, S.E-Extra

This chart is known to some freestylers who prefer special steps for special move. Despite this being a D8, it has some random, unexpected steps that make you run or jump from left to right pad, or left to right then back to left.

2. Toccata S10, NX Absolute

Toccata isn't really hard to S, there is no difficult move or weird pattern, just a little tricky in few parts that may fall on the wrong foot if you know what I mean.

3. Arirang D10, Fiesta

I use Arirang D10 for warm up sometimes because this is not a relaxing D10, thou I can't say it's really hard. I find it nice as a warm up song because it makes me run and twist a little more than ordinary S15 songs.

Still, I may miss sometimes when I didn't play this for too long and forgotten the pattern of this song.

4. Pump Me Amadeus D10, Exceed Zero

Not my favorite song, but I remember the several attempts I spent to finally S this song. As far as I remember, all charts of this song contain of some difficulties. Surprisingly, D10 is not an easy one as well.

5. Bee D11, Rebirth-Prex3

I still remember the shock that I had when I first try this chart with sightread. In short, not a song that I would like to try again. There are too many surprises and weird twist time to time. Still prefer S19 and above than this D11.

6. Chicken Wing D11, Rebirth-Prex3

This chart has some catchy rhythm, same goes to the note. I still remember the amount of "What the Heck?" I had in my mind during my first try because of the sudden weird twist, and they happen like a sudden thunderstorm in a sunny good weather.

7. Winter D11, Rebirth-Prex3

Not a D11 chart. In overall, the slightly tough twist is a little quicker than other D11 listed here and some part of the notes need you to run faster than any level 15 chart.

I don't think I can S this song because of the extremeness of the chart even after many attempts, and I don't feel like keep trying for it because the notes is a little too extreme for a D11.

8. Dignity D13, Exceed-Zero

One of the charts that I would failed to FC it if I didn't play it for too long. For a level 13, it's quite extreme as the note require me to perform fast twist and run for many, many parts of the songs. Honestly, this chart can really worn me out.

9. Yeo Rae A S13, Fiesta 2

Not sure what's the lyric of this song, but it has very nice rhythm and music. If this song has higher level charts, for sure I will play it often.

When this song first came out, many put up some efforts to get familiarize with its extremely slow note, and even tried to SS this. And I believe many first timer would fall for the trap and unable to get an A because of the unexpected speed rate.

10. Final Audition 3 S14, Exceed-Zero

Very nice beat and notes that surprise you as a S14. Honestly, I think this is a good song to train time to time because of the fast twisting notes that are quite common in S20 and beyond. If you can S this S14, handling S20 and beyond is probably just a matter of stamina.

11. Nobody S15, Fiesta 2

Once you get a hold of the rhythm, you can S this in no time. But this usually happen at least at 2nd or 3rd attempt when you know how the beat works. Nothing really difficult other than knowing the rhythm I would say.

12. No no no S15/D15 (Single Performance/Double Performance), Prime

Once you are familiar with Nobody S15, playing No no no shouldn't be any problem. Its just the matter of getting familiar with the song and handling several parts of the notes that match the rhythm exactly.

13. Love is a Danger Zone S15, Rebirth-Prex3

First half of the chart is very easy, just like any S10 charts, but when the chorus is almost there, embrace yourself.

Similar to Final Audition 3 S14, but this chart contain of very complex fast twist for a long period of time (like 20 seconds?). A good song to train for those who are serious about mastering their twist.

14. Final Audition S15, 1st-3rd

Trust me, this chart is not difficulty at all. The only thing you need to play this chart is to listen very closely to the beat and count the notes accurately. Oh and, do use both legs on the yellow pedal.

15. Phantom Intermezzo D15, Fiesta

Really love this song, especially when I feel that D15 chart has a pattern that match with the song rhythm nicely.

If you play D19 chart of this song before, D15 has something similar at its chorus. And because of that, this is probably the hardest D15. With lots of difficult twist on many parts before the end of the song, this is a song that I will still miss time to time.

16. Ugly Dee D11/D15, NX/NX2

Now this is a song that I would call weird. This is by far the weirdest charts I ever encounter because for a chart, I say they have pretty unreasonable notes that you can't say that this is your first time playing it if you can get an A.

Both D11 and D15 has the same notes, but the difficulty of D15 is much higher when the note count is faster than D11, which means easier to failed if not familiar with how the steps should be.

17. Come to Me S15, Rebirth-Prex3

Another rhythm listening and beat catching song. This chart is different and much harder than other beat catching charts because the notes does not correspond exactly the same way of how the music and beat sounds.

There are many tricky notes that could easily make anyone get an F no matter how many attempts they took as long as they have no idea how the notes work.

How many songs you able to S in the list above on first try or how many attempts you took to S them? Do share you experience or let me know if you find any other difficult or weird songs that are probably hard to S on first try so that more people can try on it.