Guide: Registering New Account & ID for Prime

12:17 PM 2 Comments

For those who do not know how to enable the usage of USB into the PIU Prime machine, here's a guide for how to register for an account and enable the USB to play with your game ID.

Now that Prime is online, it's never the same like registering your USB by plugging directly into the machine to auto registering. Now you can't auto register your ID from the machine, you MUST register in PIU official website. I will show the complete step to register for new account below.

Some of you might wonder if you can bring forward your ID from Fiesta 2 or before to convert into Prime ID. Unfortunately I couldn't find this method in their official website. I guess we can only wait until Andamiro produce the official notes on how to convert Fiesta 2 ID to Prime, or we can't use the Fiesta 2 ID anymore despite how much level we are in Fiesta 2.

I guess it's not surprising if we can't use the Fiesta 2 ID anymore, this is just my assumption anyway. Now the system is totally different. It's really easy to level up now compare to last time. I can level up to 15 within two days with average of 10 games for song level 15 to 17 for each day, without repeating playing songs that I play before. Back to Fiesta 2, level up to 15 take me 2 to 3 months depending how much new songs I'm playing.

Furthermore, there are lots of new features that I guess we can only access through the official sites. This includes the record of our scoring system which is directly recorded online right after we finish playing, provided that your machine is online. We no longer need to use Pumbi to update our score before our level and score is uploaded to the world ranking. As well as many more features like music train, favorites, item shop that are under preparation. I guess we will depending on the official site instead of Pumbi later. So our game ID will be using a total new concept, and it will totally different from before.

Okay, here's the guide to register the new account and enable the use of USB. Do follow each step carefully as all of them are compulsory and (unfortunately) you can't skip any of it.

Step by step Account & ID Creation

1. Access PIU Official Website. Select your country to access the main page

2. Click on "Registration" button under login panel

3. Check on the two agreement check boxes below, and click on “Member Join” button.

4. Fill in the Registration Form

Not all fields are compulsory, so you can skip some of them if you want. The compulsory fields are as below:
  • E-mail (Must provide valid e-mail account for verification purpose later)
  • Password
  • Confirm Password
  • Gender
  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Zipcode
  • State/Province
  • Auto register prevention numbers
When all mandatory fields are filled in, click on “Joining a member” to continue.

5. E-mail verification

A confirmation message will be displayed and inform that a verification e-mail had been sent to the e-mail you provided in the registration form above. Now you need to login with your provided e-mail account above, and look for an e-mail sent by PIU GAME with the similar content below that require you to click on “Mail Certification” button.

6. Complete verification and Login

A new window/tab will be created to inform you that your account is now authenticated, so you can login with your newly registered PIU account in the main page login panel.

7. Activate Prime Access Code

Upon successful login. You will see a big blue button below stated "Receiving Prime Access Code". Click on it.

8. Creating the New ID

You are now in a page where you can see three ID slot and the first top empty ID slot require you to register an ID. This ID will be used as your in-game display name when you plug into PIU machine. It is default to be capitalized, only allow alphabets & numbers, and maximum 8 characters. Click on the “To register” button and it will check if your desire ID can be used.

9. Complete ID creation

Upon successful ID creation. You will be able to see the screen below. Click on the “Download” button and you will be downloading a file name “prime.bin”. The file consist of your ID info which will be used to determine your ID when you plug into the machine.

10. Move "prime.bin" into your thumb drive. Done

Copy or move the downloaded “prime.bin” file which contain your ID info into your thumb drive, then plug into the PIU machine to enjoy playing with your registered account. Note: Some of the files in the thumb drive might affect your prime.bin to became unreadable, so try not to have too many other files in the thumb drive or best to have only prime.bin file in it.


Q: When I plugin my USB into the machine, a pink panel message stated "No access code found. To get PIU Access Code please visit Press the Center Step."
The machine couldn't find any prime.bin file in your thumb drive. Please ensure your prime.bin is inside the thumb drive. If you sure that the prime.bin is inside the thumb drive, ensure the prime.bin is not inside any of the folder, and try to remove any other files inside the thumb drive. Leave only prime.bin in it.

Q: When I plugin my USB into the machine, a pink panel message stated "Unregistered Access Code. Press the center step."
The machine couldn't read your prime.bin for some reasons. It's best to remove all files inside the thumb drive, format it, and let your prime.bin file alone in it.

Q: I have only prime.bin in the thumb drive, formatted, but still showing the pink panel message above
Some thumb drive might not be compatible or readable by the machine. Try using a different thumb drive.

Q: What should I do if I lost my thumb drive with the prime.bin in it?
No worries. Just login in the official website and download the prime.bin again. Your playing score and records are all safe and updated in their website every time you finish playing.


PIU Prime: Rank Mode

5:59 PM 0 Comments

Rank Mode is one of the great new feature of PIU Prime. It's a never-exist-before feature that allow you to compete around the world for a song and submit your score over the internet to determine how good you are.

To read more about Rank Mode in the official website, you can go to After selecting your desire country or language, go to the main menu to click on the menu item "PRIME", and then click on "Rank mode". I can't share the link here because the link would redirect you back to the main page to select your country or language.

In order to enable Rank Mode, you must use USB because it require your account to play in Rank Mode. When you plugin your USB, open the command window and look for the "RANK" item on the left side of "SPEED" item. Once you step on the yellow button, Rank Mode will be enabled. You can switch on and off Rank Mode anytime you want. You can play all songs in Rank Mode, or you can choose to play any round of song with Rank Mode. To switch back to Full Mode, just open the command window again, go to "RANK" item again and step on the yellow button.

The songs available in Rank Mode is orginal, K-Pop, and world music songs. When you switch on Rank Mode, you can't play other songs like remix, full song, music train, shortcut, or other category.

All the stepcharts are still the same, there is no changes in the stepchart. Just that all stepchart under level 13 will be hidden. So you can only compete on songs for level 13 and above. This applies to both single and double. And single performance and double performance stepchart will be hidden as well.

The hardest thing about Rank Mode is the three default setting below that you can't change:
  1. BGA On. You won't be able to find "BGA Off" in the "DISPLAY" item in the command window. So all songs will have BGA On.
  2. VJ. Super hard accuracy judgement. Much harder than HJ. You won't be able to see "JUDGE" item in the command window. Having this mode make it really hard to get gold S or SS. Not only the accuracy for perfect, great and good are affected, if your step is slightly off, you might get bad and miss even if you feel that you step correctly.
  3. Break ON. Now you are forced to play songs that you are confident that your HP bar won't drop to zero.
With VJ mode on, the songs that you used to getting FC might not able to get FC now, and the songs that you able to SS might make you further from getting SS. But it depends on how good your accuracy is while playing in VJ. If you used to play in HJ, it might be better for you.

As for the score after playing in Rank Mode, you would notice the score will be quite high because it's different than normal mode. I'm not sure how the score is being calculated. Let's say you play a song in Rank Mode but you are unable to get FC, you can still beat the same song high score that has FC in the machine. So playing in Rank Mode is a new way to beat high score too.

As for the best thing in Rank Mode, is to be able to bring your accuracy and steps to the next level through this Rank Mode challenge. You can't challenge difficult songs with break ON, but you can train your accuracy at the moment to get much better steps and score result.


Missing or Removed Songs in PIU Prime 2015

4:53 PM 0 Comments

Many players probably already realize a lot of songs are missing when you check back the version from Fiesta 2 to the first version.

Some of the old songs that you used to play a lot are now no more to be found once you upgraded to PIU Prime. I don't find any official notes about the reason of the missing songs. Only Andamiro has the answer. Hope we will be able to get notice on why so many missing songs in PIU Prime sooner or later.

For now we can only assume that probably Andamiro trying to eliminate old songs that are not so popular or demanding. Since many people focus on playing newer songs, and there are many low level songs that people no longer interested with.

I'm not saying that I agree on removing the songs. Andamiro has their own reason for doing so. I believe they don't remove such long list of songs just because they feel like doing so because it's going to take months of effort to figure what songs are not so demanding and too old that people don't interested in. I can only assume it this way because you still get to play lots of challenging and great songs in the older version, not like they randomly removing songs as they want.

Or perhaps, such songs are not actually "removed", they are just currently hidden. Maybe you will be able to get them from the item shop later. It could be false hope but, we can only wait and see.

List of Missing/Removed Songs

The missing/removed song list below is referred to this link:

Song Name Single Level Double Level
Fiesta 2
Hands Up (East4A Mix) S3, S5, S8, S15, SP3 D5, D15, DP4
Fiesta EX
Magic S1, S4, S8, S13, SP3 D3, D14, DP4
Hot Issue S3, S7, S10, S16, SP4 D5, D13, D15, DP5
Magic Girl S4, S7, S11, S15, SP3 D5, D13, D16, D21, DP4
Shock S3, S5, S8, S14, S16 D4, D15, DP5
Last Farewell S2, S5, S8, S13, S17, SP3 D6, D14, DP5
Energy S4, S8, S13, S15, SP4 D9, D14, DP5
Mother S1, S4, S7, S13, SP2 D9, D14, DP5
Energy S4, S8, S13, S15, SP4 D9, D14, DP5
Good Life S2, S4, S15, SP2 D5, D16, DP3
Betrayer -act 2- S4, S6, S10, SP3 D15, DP3
Big Beat S5, S13, S15, SP3 D6, D14, DP5
Exciting S2, S3, S14, SP5 D14
By Chance S2, S4, S5, S15, SP2 D6, D16, DP4
To The Sky S1, S3, S5, S12, S15, SP3 D6, D14, DP6
The angel who lost wings S1, S4, S6, S13, SP2 D6, D16, DP3
Innocent S3, S5, S11, S14 D6, D15
Enjoy! Enjoy! S3, S6, S11, S14, SP4 D6, D15, DP5
Fire S3, S5, S8, S15, S16, SP3 D4, D11, D14, DP4
Wanna S2, S4, S9, S16, SP2 D3, D12, D17, DP5
No Rhyme No Reason S2, S5, S8, S15, SP2 D20
80s Pop S2, S5, S8, S12, S16, SP3 D6, D17, DP4
Do It Reggae Style S13, SP4 D15, DP5
Mission Possible -Blow Back- S18, SP3 D17, DP5
Pumping Jumping S1, S3, S5, S13, S15, S17, S19, SP4 D6, D17, DP5, DP6
La la la S1, S3, S5, S10, SP2 D13, DP5
Adios S1, S3, S6, S14, SP2 D16, DP4
Slightly S4, S14, SP1 D12, D14, DP5
Forward S2, S4, S5, S13, SP2 D13, DP5
Uprock S5, S17, SP2 D14, DP4
Crazy S2, S4, S5, S8, S15, SP2 D19, DP3, DP6
Pump Breakers S5, S17, SP2 D15, DP4
Change Myself S1, S4, S5, S10, SP1 D9, DP5
Do It! S6, S15, SP2 D18, DP4
NX & NX2
Fly S1, S3, S6, S14, SP3 D16, DP4
One Night S5, S13, SP2 D14, DP4
2006 Love Song S3, S10, S12, S15 D13, DP5
Haley S4, S9, SP2 D11, DP4
Hybs S4, S11, SP2 D13, DP4
We Goin' Fly Remix S5, S15, SP3 D19, DP6
Money S10, S14, SP4 D12, D16
Very Old Couples S6, S13, SP2 D15, DP6
Guitar Man S3, S9, S13, S18 D10, D13, D19
Jam O Beat S7, S14, SP2 D14, DP6
Chopstix S5, S13, SP2 D15, DP2
Groovin' Motion S6, S9, SP3 D11, DP6
Exceed - Zero
My Friend S1, S3, S6, S12, SP3 D14, DP5, DP6
Mr. Fire Fighter S4, S7, S13 D8, D15
Enter the Dragon S1, S4, S5, S8, S14, SP2 D17, DP5
Storm S5, S12, SP3 D13, DP4
Go S3, S7, S12 D13, DP3
Rebirth - PREX 3
Empire of the Sun S6, S11, SP1 D13, DP4
Get Your Groove On S4, S6, S13 D9
Miss's Story S5, S18, SP3 D19, DP5
Mission Possible S5, S7, S13, S19 D8
Street Show Down S7, S15, SP4 D13, DP6
Top City S4, S6, S8, S15 D7, D12
We Will Meet Again S3, S8, S13, S14 D8
D Gang S4, S6, S9, S18 D7, D15
Hello S7, S16 D9, D16
S.E - Extra
Pump Jump S4, S15, SP2 D17, DP4
N S5, S16, SP2 D16, DP5
Oh! Rosa S7, S13 D7
First Love S4, S9, SP1 D14, DP4
Betrayer S1, S5, S8, S13, SP2 D8, D13
RUN! S4, S8, S15 D8, D17
1ST - 3RD
Close Your Eye S4, SP2 DP3
Free Style S13, SP1 D15, DP3
A Nightmare S1, S4 D13, DP5
She Likes Pizza S8, S9 D9, D16
Pumping Up S4, S12 -
Hatred S6, S13 D7, D16, DP7

List of Missing/Removed Remix

Song Name Level Version
K-Pop Girl Group RMX S14, D15 Fiesta EX
Msgoon RMX pt. 5 S17, D17, SP3, DP4 Fiesta
Msgoon RMX pt. 7 S17, DP4 Fiesta
History: We Are the ZEST SP6, DP5 Fiesta
K-Pop Mix (Old and New) S7, S13 Fiesta
Pro POP Mix S17 Fiesta
PUMP IT UP with YOU S17, D17 Fiesta
45RPM & Eun Ji Won Mix S11, D14, DP5 NXA
Novasonic Mix ver.3 S6, S17, D19 NXA
Turkey Virus S8, S15, D11 NXA
Msgoon RMX pt.1 S7, S17, D17 NXA
Msgoon RMX pt.3 S6, S17, D11, D20 NXA
Money Fingers S8, S16, D9, D17 NX & NX2
NOVARASH REMIX S11, S17, D12 Exceed - Zero

List of Missing/Removed Full Song

Song Name Level Version
Magic Girl S12 Fiesta EX
Shock S17, D15 Fiesta EX
Hot Issue S9, S14, D16 Fiesta EX
Energy S15 Fiesta EX
La la la S4, S14 NXA
Slightly S5, S17 NXA
Forward S4, S15, D5 NXA
Enter The Dragon S17, D18, DP3 NXA
Fly S10, S15, D16, D17 NX & NX2


Pump It Up PRIME 2015: Begin

9:49 PM 0 Comments

Before looking at wall of texts, let's not get enough with this PIU Prime 2015 opening.

Yup it's cool not matter how many time we re-watch the opening, despite we can just play it right now (if your place have one).

PIU Prime in Malaysia

Prime had been released in Malaysia since 14th December 2014. Many players from different area are invited to this event and we are proud to be there for this soft launch event where we able to witness the first ever PIU Prime being setup, installed, and loaded here in Malaysia. A great thanks for the two Andamiro Korean representatives (Sorry couldn't remember their name) to travel places to places to bring us this great joy, and of course thanks to the relevant arcade center or amusement center that put efforts into installing and maintaining this great gift.
Now in Malaysia, not all arcade center has PIU Prime because there are only several places that had high demand and usually a group of people will be there to play. We are unsure if other area or states that have low demand will switch to Prime or not. We can only wait and see. At least, now people get to play PIU Prime in several locations, namely Berjaya Times Square, The Mines, Wangsa Walk Mall, and Seremban AEON Supermarket.

New Experience

Let's talk more about the insight of PIU Prime feature and gameplay. Apart of approximately 30 new and challenging songs included as Prime version, the biggest changes in Prime version, comparing with the past upgrade, is the online game play where we are finally able to make PIU online.
Our song scores not only stored inside the machine, we are now connecting to the internet so our song score submission into Andamiro's world score database is now working! But well, that's what we've been hearing all this time. We need more time to observe and figure out how all these works because the arcade center complete setup the internet about one or two weeks ago, and the thumb drive usage only available few days ago.... So still a long way for us to experience by ourselves and find out more.
of course, there are lots more features and new stuff that I'm going to make some other posts to talk about it because there are too many to describe. But this definitely something that is different from the past upgrade like from Fiesta EX to Fiesta 2. Although I wasn't there to witness the upgrade but from my experience in Fiesta EX and Fiesta 2, there isn't too much differences, comparing with the upgrade from Fiesta 2 to Prime.

Still under Preparation

Despite having some new things now, there are definitely more things that Andamiro still working on it because this changes is really huge, and we shouldn't expect that they are launching PIU Prime means everything should be completed.
If you visit now, you can see a new interface with great design. That is perhaps the most completed one so far. Clicking on many of the links in the top menu will get a message stated "In preparation". Well, clear enough.
Here are something that we will be looking forward to. Some of them are existing things from Fiesta 2, but now all these are probably going to be quite different so it's not available in Prime at the moment. While many of the info is still consider as "rumors". You can read through but keep in mind that these are not an official list so you probably see something different when the official release are there.

1. Favorite - Favorite songs used to be stored in your own thumb drive. But now our data is online, so probably can set our favorite song in PIU main site.

2. Music Train - Same as above.

3. Song Ranking - The list that contain ranking of all songs in terms of high score around the world, popularity, and so on.

4. Item Shop - We will be able to purchase or unlock songs, stepchart, and item as we play and accumulate points so that we can use it in item shop later.

5. User Custom Step (UCS) - Probably some new features in StepLite? Definitely more songs can be included into UCS making from Prime.

6. Level/World Ranking - The list that shows level and ranking of all registered players around the world just like the previous one.

7. Mission Zone - Hopefully more exciting and challenging missions will be back.

8. Skill Up Zone - Same as above. We are happy to have some new experience in it, and we are definitely looking forward for Andamiro to release more features as time goes by. Let's wish Andamiro well and great work so all the hard efforts for PIU Prime 2015.